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Taming Kiera (Therian Agents Book 3) Page 8

  “You’re sure you want this?” he grit out, his voice a deep rasp.

  “I want it,” she moaned, gripping his hips, guiding him inside of her. She wanted him so desperately, she barely restrained the cry of pleasure as the hard crest of his cock stretched her.

  A deep growl rumbled from Jacob’s chest as he sunk deeper, filling her so fully she thought she might burst with the intense sensation of it.

  “Pure, fucking heaven,” he breathed out. His mouth lowered, his kiss gentle, teasing, as he began to move, slowly at first, then with quickening strokes.

  With each thrust, she felt herself unravel.

  The lion within purred in approval. Mine, mine, mine.

  Jacob knotted his fingers in her hair and rested his forehead against hers. His breathing grew harsh, irregular, his eyes fevered with desire. His face strained with restraint.

  Without speaking, she knew what he craved, sensed her own animal’s acceptance. This was her mate. The shock of sensations only intensified with the acknowledgment.

  Their connection was beyond anything she’d ever dreamed existed. Mating mark or not, she was bound to this man in ways that went beyond her comprehension.

  She placed her hands on his face and held his gaze.

  “Do it,” she whispered, widening her thighs, accepting more of him. His erection throbbed inside of her, hot, thick, and pulsating with need. “Mark me.”

  He frowned, and she ran a finger over the line between his brows.

  “You’re sure?”

  She nodded, a flash of uncertainty tightened her throat, but the look of hope in his nearly pleading gaze erased all doubt. This is what she had hungered for. “Make me yours.”

  His lips crashed down on hers, and he groaned into her mouth. He pulled back, then pushed in, harder and deeper than before. His thrusts became more frantic, stretching her, pushing her, overtaking her senses. Waves of heat and pleasure coursed through every cell in her body.

  She couldn’t hold on. It was too much. The sensations too extreme. The violence of her orgasm shattered her. She exploded around him. Her back arched, eyes closed, head tilted back as she let out a desperate cry.

  Pleasure surrounded her, thick waves of pleasure that didn’t stop. Each pulse surged and sizzled across her nerve endings. She clung to him, trembling with the aftershocks.

  He gave one final thrust, and she felt his release spurting hot and hard inside of her. Heavy shudders racked their bodies.

  “Mine,” he growled. His mouth moved to her throat. His teeth sunk into the delicate skin and she sucked in a sharp breath. Her eyes widened, vision blurred. The pain subsided quickly, replaced by a euphoric feeling that spread through her body, warming her blood.

  She lay beneath him, limp and exhausted, not wanting to think about the consequences of what they had just done, but unable to deny the overwhelming emotions clogging her throat.

  As he lifted himself above her, she kept her eyes closed. He sighed, rolled on his back and slid an arm underneath her, drawing her against his side.

  “Jacob…” she said wearily, fighting the fatigue that claimed her.

  “Sleep.” He kissed her forehead and tightened his grip.

  She exhaled softly and relaxed into his embrace, a soft purr humming in her throat. She wasn’t sure what she had gotten herself into, but she knew she wanted Jacob in her life. No matter what the cost.

  Chapter 18

  Jacob eased himself off the bed and glanced down at Kiera’s sleeping form, the two small puncture wounds on her neck, evidence of their mating. Every moment, every touch was branded in his mind forever. The mark would scar, warning any suitors that she was mated. That she was his.

  His lion rumbled with approval. The man wasn’t as certain.

  He scrubbed both hands over his face, his stomach tightening. What had he done?

  His lion had accepted her with such ferociousness, he’d barely been able to contain it. The need to possess her overriding common sense, and destroying his control.

  With a little murmur, Kiera stirred, then turned on her side, drawing the covers over her shoulders, settling back into a deep sleep. The afternoon sun streamed through slits in the blinds, casting a golden glow over her pale skin. Her dark hair lay mussed around her pixie-like face.

  Physically she was soft, delicate…perfect. A contrast to the fiery, stubborn woman who’d seduced him, shattered him, and shook the very foundation of his soul.

  Fear pounded at his chest. She was strong, but would she be strong enough to survive if he didn’t?

  She still hadn’t fully mastered her lion, and until she learned to shift between human and animal form, there would always be the possibility that the animal would consume her again.

  Kiera let out a small purr and stretched lazily in her sleep. The blanket fell below one breast, the pink nipple puckering as the cool air touched it.

  Jacob swallowed hard, his cock hardening at the sight. The combination of mating hormones and the most explosive orgasm of his life dulled his senses, tempting him to ignore the warning that lurked at the back of his mind.

  He cursed and dressed quickly.

  Danger edged closer. He could feel it in his bones, and his lion paced in agreement. Their time was running out, and he needed to make sure his mate was strong enough to endure the darkness coming for them.

  With a heavy breath, he dragged his fingers through his hair, and closed the door quietly behind him, a plan forming in his mind.

  * * *

  Jacob was gone when Kiera woke. She stretched her sex-sore muscles slowly, her body still humming in contentment.

  She sat up and touched the mark on her neck. Jacob’s mark. She smiled and chewed on her lower lip, processing what it meant. Happiness soared inside of her, and she gave herself over to it. He was her mate–hers. The thought sent a thrill throughout her body.

  When she closed her eyes, she could feel his presence, calling to her like a homing beacon. It was an odd sensation, as if his animal called to hers, urging her forward.

  She dressed quickly and left the cabin. It didn’t take her long to find him.

  Jacob stood at the water’s edge, his back to her. Above the tall pines, the sky glowed a hazy purple in the evening sky, she must have slept most of the afternoon.

  “You’re awake.” He cast a small stone across the glassy surface.

  “It’s really beautiful here. I wish I had my paints.”

  He picked up another stone. With a flick of his wrist, the rock skimmed across the lake. Small circles rippled and expanded across the dark water. When the last ripple faded, Jacob turned slowly.

  The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down her spine. Was he regretting what they’d done? She knew she’d pushed him, begged him even, but he’d been more than willing at the time. A flutter of panic rose in her throat.

  “I wish I knew what you’re thinking,” she said, when he didn’t speak.

  He frowned and moved closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. His other hand reached out and stroked the mark on her neck. Her body responded to his nearness immediately.

  She placed her hands on his chest and felt his heartbeat under her palm. The wild, erratic rhythm contrasted his stern expression.

  “I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

  She narrowed her eyes and tilted her chin, preparing for his rejection. “Then why did you?”

  He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. “To keep you safe.”

  She didn’t understand his mood.

  “You regret what we did?” Her throat tightened, afraid of the answer, but she had to ask. She exhaled unevenly, pulled back, waiting for him to meet her gaze. “What part bothers you more? The sex or the mating?”

  He leaned closer, torment on his face. “There are things you don’t know. Things I should have told you.”

  “Then tell me now.” She held her breath.

  He brushed a stray hair away from her face.

don’t know how much time we have together, and I need to make sure you’re strong enough to survive without me.”

  Subconsciously, she touched the mark on her neck. “But, I thought…”

  “If I could change things, I would.” He cupped her chin in is hand and brushed a light kiss over her lips.

  “I don’t understand.”

  His expression tightened. “There’s no future with me–”

  “Don’t.” She drew away, not wanting to hear anymore. She knew rejection when she heard it.

  “No matter what happens, you need to know that you won’t be alone. Chase and Turner will take care of you, and you’ll always have a place in my family.”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me. Not even you.”

  He exhaled heavily, closed the gap between them, then gripped her hand, placing it over his heart. “Do you feel it?”

  “Your heartbeat?”

  “No. Close your eyes and focus. Feel me.” Tension strung tight in his voice.

  She didn’t need to close her eyes to know what he meant. She’d felt it in the cabin.

  “I don’t need forever,” she lied, pulling her hand away. “I never asked for it.”

  A flash of hurt crossed his expression. “If I could give it to you, I would.”

  She shook her head and laughed at the contradiction of his words.

  “I don’t care about the mating. You’re free to go whenever you want.”

  “Kiera. You don’t understand.”

  “No, it’s you who doesn’t understand. This thing between us, it’s just sex. Nothing else. So you don’t have to worry about me going all mopey when you decide to move on.” She turned on her heels and started back to the cabin.


  She bristled at the ring of command in his voice. “I get it, all right?”

  A thunderous growl rumbled from his chest when she ignored him. He covered the distance between them in three long strides.

  “This isn’t just sex.”

  Was he freaking kidding?

  She stabbed her finger into his chest. “Don’t go all caveman on me. You’re the one who changed the rules.”

  “What rules?” His voice held its hard edge, but there was something almost vulnerable in his tone.

  “The mating rules.” She had to fight back the surge of emotions ripping through her. He had to be the most infuriating man in the world, but even angry and hurt, she wanted him desperately. She was half in love with the man already. Mate or not, she knew it would break her heart when he walked away. She managed to harden her tone, but hardening her heart was impossible.

  He opened his mouth, then shut it and shook his head, growling. With a frustrated breath, he kicked off his shoes, and yanked his shirt over his head.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Going for a run.” His pants were the next to come off. He stood before her stark naked, a small smirk twisting his lips. “Join me.”

  He shifted before her. His lion was magnificent. Powerful muscles coiled and bunched under golden fur. Beautiful. She couldn’t help but stare in awe.

  Her lion rumbled in approval, begging for release, but fear held Kiera back. Even if she could let the animal loose, she still wasn’t certain she’d be able to turn back.

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  He gave a small shake of his mane before bounding off into the woods.

  She stood by the edge of the lake until the sun had faded completely behind the thick pines. Without Jacob’s soothing presence, her lion remained restless and on edge.

  A howl in the distance made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

  Wolves. Most likely just the generic kind, not the shifter variety. But how could she tell? There was still so much she didn’t know.

  Hearing a snarl, even closer than the howls she’d heard before, she shivered and started walking back to the cabin. Her pace quickened when an unfamiliar smell made her lion rear its head.


  The ground shook and the trees to the left of her began to bend and sway.

  She froze.

  “Oh, shit,” she hissed through clenched teeth.

  A massive grizzly bear bounded from the woods and headed straight for her.

  Kiera didn’t have to think. She just ran.

  Chapter 19

  With ears pinned back and teeth bared, the grizzly let out a deafening growl. Clouds of dirt and dust billowed behind it. The ground shook under Kiera’s feet as the bear loomed closer.

  There was no way she’d be able to outrun it.

  Adrenaline alone drove her forward, but her legs were numb, and she stumbled, her knees giving out on her. Scrambling, she grabbed a handful of rocks, and began shouting and throwing them at the goliath-sized bear.

  Kiera’s lion surged under her skin, never closer to bursting loose then it was right now. Could she shift? It was her only option. Her only chance of survival. She closed her eyes tight and begged the lion to take over.

  Her skin rippled, muscles stretched painfully, but nothing happened. The lion remained trapped, its roar more deafening than the grizzly’s.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  The bear towered above her, baring its teeth. Kiera grabbed a stick, a ridiculous weapon in comparison, and swung it at the animal.

  “Stay away. Scram.” She inched backwards.

  The bear’s massive paws pounded the earth beside her head. Gleaming brown fur undulated as the powerful muscles rippled beneath. It let out a horrific growl, its hot breath coating Kiera’s face with a layer of spittle.

  The grizzly raised one giant paw and its nostrils flared.

  This was it.

  Kiera closed her eyes as tightly as she could, held her breath, and waited for the blow.

  “Enough!” Jacob’s command boomed around them.

  The bear made a disdainful snorting sound, then pawed at the earth beside her head, drool dripping from its black lips.

  “I said enough, McConnell.” Jacob strode towards them, eyes dark, lacking the alarm that she thought should be there.

  What the hell?

  The grizzly huffed, turned and retreated into the woods.

  Kiera scuttled back, twisting, trying to stand, but her body wasn’t working properly. She fell twice before her legs were able to hold her weight.

  “It’s gone?” She was shaking uncontrollably. Her brain was in a semi-working condition. She clenched her teeth, determined not to let her emotions turn her into a sobbing mess. She squinted at Jacob, suspicion creeping down her spine.

  “Why didn’t you shift?” His eyes blazed gold in the moonlight.

  “It obeyed you.” It wasn’t a question. Her head spun, and she wobbled forward.

  Jacob gripped her elbows to help steady her. His nostrils flared, and there was anger in his eyes. Anger directed at her.

  Her eyes widened and her stomach twisted as she realized he was behind the attack. She inhaled through clenched teeth. “You sent it after me on purpose?”

  Jacob pursed his lips. “McConnell is harmless. He wouldn’t have hurt you.”

  “Harmless? It was a freaking grizzly bear.”

  “Weregrizzly,” Jacob corrected. He picked up Kiera’s hands and examined the small cuts. “McConnell’s lived in these woods as long as I can remember.” His jaw clenched and he narrowed his eyes on her. “Why didn’t you shift?”

  “I tried.” She shook her head, still trying to grasp what had happened.

  “You didn’t try hard enough.”

  Kiera pulled her hands from his grip and pushed on his chest. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”

  She shoved him one more time, then turned quickly, walking away before she gave into the temptation to slug him.

  By the time she reached the cabin, Jacob had caught up with her.

  “I’m trying to help you.” He caught the door when she tried to slam it in his face.

  “By having me mauled by a bear?”
She opened the cupboard under the sink, and reached for the bottle of whisky she’d found during her search for the duct tape. She unscrewed the lid and took a long, deep swig from the bottle.

  “You weren’t hurt.” He leaned against the counter and scrubbed his hands over his face.

  She tipped the bottle back one more time, and placed it on the counter. The deep burn traveled down her throat, warming her stomach.

  “Why is it so important to you?”

  “Because I need to know that you can take care of yourself.”

  “Right.” Tears stung her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. “When you decide this whole ruse is up and walk away.”

  “It’s not a ruse, and I’m not walking away.” He moved across the room towards her, closing the gap between them. His deep golden gaze locked with hers, the color shifting in the shadows.

  Her body reacted to his closeness.

  She clenched her fists at her sides, refusing to reach out and touch him.

  “You said–”

  “I won’t walk away from you.” There was a fierce promise in his words.

  His lips were suddenly on hers, his tongue taking possession of her mouth. He kissed her with such force, such male dominance that she forgot her anger and submitted fully.

  Heat raced through her, scorching her from head to toe. She strained to get closer, gripping his hair, pulling herself deeper into his embrace. His hands slid down her back, gripping her hips, pulling her against the hard wedge of his cock.

  He pulled back, amber eyes glowing with need, and something more. “If anything happens to me…”

  Kiera’s breath caught in her throat. She finally understood what he was afraid of. She frowned up at him, heart clenching. “You’re worried about dying.”

  “No.” He shook his head, one corner of his mouth twitching. “I made peace with death a long time ago.” He brushed his thumb along her bottom lip, and sighed. “I’m afraid of leaving you alone, unprotected. I know what losing a mate can do.” His expression twisted in a pained grimace. “I won’t let that happen to you.”

  Seeing the resolve in his eyes, Kiera placed a hand on his cheek. “Nothing’s going to happen to either of us.”