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Taming Kiera (Therian Agents Book 3) Page 11

  Pressing his thumb on the scanner, he tapped in the security code and let out an uneven breath. He told himself he was being paranoid.

  The moment the door slid open, Jacob froze. Wolves. A half dozen of them, all with their weapons drawn and pointed straight at him. The three agents he’d been coming to meet sat gagged and bound on the floor.

  His lion bristled, ready to fight.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you.” An older woman sat at the head of the large conference table. Dark hair streaked with gray was pulled back in a tight knot at the nape of her neck. Cold, silvery blue eyes watched him with icy reserve. Jacob had been a child the last time he’d seen her, but the resemblance to Chase and Turner was undeniable.

  “Circe,” Jacob sneered. “How did you get in here?”

  “It seems that we share a mutual friend.”

  A man stepped from the shadows. Matted silver hair hung, unwashed over the man’s mutilated face. His scent was an affront to Jacob’s senses, sending his lion into a fit of outrage.

  The silver wolf.

  He’d lived this moment in his dreams.

  “I told you years ago, there was nowhere to hide from me, boy.” The wolf bared his canines. “Did you think you could kill my men and get away with it?”

  Too stunned to speak, Jacob merely growled.

  One of the wolves stepped forward. He patted Jacob down, taking both his gun and cell.

  Circe stood and placed her palms on the table, leaning forward. “You know how this is going to end, so I suggest you give us want we want, and no one else needs to get hurt.”

  “If you think I’d hand Kiera over to you, you’re crazier than I thought.”

  “But you haven’t even seen what we’re playing with yet.” Circe chuckled. “Show him.”

  The monitor on the far wall buzzed as it turned on. It flickered twice before displaying a live stream of his mother’s dining room. Jacob’s stomach sunk. His youngest sister, Lora, laughed at something their mother said as she placed a salad in the center of the table.

  “I always liked your mother. Such a kind woman. Such a lovely family. It would be a shame if anything should happen to them.”

  “Lora is Chase’s mate. You’d destroy him if you hurt her.” His lips curled in a snarl.

  “Mates are such precarious things, aren’t they?” One side of her mouth curved up in a smirk.

  “What have you done?”

  Circe lifted her hand and the image on the screen changed. Another live stream, this time of the basement. A small, black box was secured to the furnace, glowing green numbers counted backwards by the second.

  “You have officially fifty-five minutes until the bomb is detonated. Just a little insurance to make sure we get what we want.”

  He was going to strangle the life out of the woman.

  “I know about your daughter. We can help her. Bring her to the agency. No one needs to get hurt.”

  “Someone always gets hurt,” Circe said, narrowing her eyes. “This time, you get to decide who.”

  “She’s on her way.” The wolf who’d disarmed him, handed Jacob’s phone to Circe. “She thinks she’s meeting him here.”


  Jacob scowled at the wolf, then did a quick survey of the room. There was a panic button under the table, close to where Circe stood. But even if he could manage to set it off, warn Kiera of the danger, he still had Lora and his mother to consider.

  He had to try.

  “You,” he said, turning his gaze on the silver wolf, and taking a subtle step forward. “What do you get out of this?”

  “A lion’s hide,” the man sneered. “You’re mine, boy. There’s nowhere to hide anymore.”

  Jacob took another step forward. “I’ve never hid from you. You’ve always known where to find me. Maybe it’s you whose been hiding from me.”

  “I ain’t no coward, boy. Not like that sniveling piece of trash you called father.”

  Jacob’s chest vibrated with anger. He envisioned tearing the man’s trachea from his throat. Instead, he took a small step towards the table. “My father was a good man. He fought vermin like you. Animal to animal, not hiding behind human weapons like a coward.”

  The wolf tore his shirt, revealing a black, oozing wound. “It was that little mate of yours that shot me. I’ve got special plans for the bitch when Circe is done draining her blood.”

  White-hot rage consumed him. It took all of his control not to let his lion loose on the man, but the silver wolf wasn’t the real threat. At least not to Kiera.

  A knock at the door indicated he’d run out of time.

  His heart crashed against his ribs like a wild animal trying to claw its way out.

  “She’s here,” one of the wolves said, glancing at the monitor by the door. “There’s a man with her, but the rest of the hall is secure.”

  “Let them in.” Circe’s face tensed as Chase’s face came on the screen. “Disarm the man, but don’t hurt him.”

  Jacob used the moment of distraction and lunged for the table.

  The door slid open behind him, and he heard Kiera’s cry, Chase’s roar of outrage. His fingers were inches from the button, when a loud cracked echoed around him.

  A sharp pain ripped through his stomach and he fell.

  Chapter 26

  A strangled cry tore from Kiera’s throat.


  The man pulled the trigger before she had time to react. Jacob collapsed. A small circle of red stained his white shirt, then quickly expanded, soaking through the material and pooling on the floor beneath him.

  Self-preservation gone, Kiera ignored the weapons trained on her, and rushed to Jacob’s side.

  “No, no, no.” She pressed her hand on the wound. Utter despair claimed her as she stared into her mate’s pain-filled eyes. “Don’t you dare die on me.”

  Jacob’s breathing came in short, ragged breaths.

  A terrorizing roar sounded behind her. Chase fought as two men held him back. “What have you done?”

  “Chase,” a woman’s voice bristled. “You don’t understand. I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. There are things you don’t know. Reasons why I left you and your brother.”

  “I know about the girl.”

  “She’s not just a girl. She’s your sister, and she’s sick.”

  “You think you’re justified taking one life to save another?”

  “I won’t hurt Kiera. I just need her help. A few vials of blood that’s all.”

  “She’s…lying.” Jacob’s words gurgled from his throat. “Lora’s…in danger…bomb...Ma’s house.”

  “Chase.” Kiera glanced up at him.

  “I heard.” The color drained from his face.

  “Son.” Circe stood and shot him a withering glare. “I won’t hurt you or your mate. All I want is the girl.”

  “And the lion,” a man growled beside her. “You promised me retribution.”

  “He’ll bleed out before we’re out of the building. You have your revenge.”

  Kiera sucked in her breath as she realized who the man was. The wolf of Jacob’s nightmares.

  Under his shaggy white hair, yellow eyes glowered at her. “You remember me. Good. Once I’m through with your mate, I have special plans for you.”

  Anger like she’d never known flooded through her. Claws protruded slowly, digging into her clenched palms. She wanted nothing more than to claw the man’s eyes out.

  You will never have my mate.

  She would kill the man, or die trying.

  Kiera glanced down at Jacob, the life slowly draining from his eyes. He was losing too much blood. No matter what happened, if they didn’t get him help soon, he wouldn’t make it, and both Lora and Jacob’s mom would die.

  “I’ll go with you,” she said, meeting Circe’s cold eyes.

  Jacob clutched her arm. “No.”

  She shook her head, swallowing hard. “It’s the only way.”

  He reached up and cupped th
e back of her neck, pulling her head close to his. His voice was barely a whisper. “There’s…an alarm…under the…table. When I…press it…run.”

  She gave a small nod, even though she had no intention of obeying.

  “I love you,” she said softly, pressing her lips against his.

  His mouth twitched, then he drew in a breath so harsh, it hurt to hear.

  “As touching as this is, we need to get out of here.” The silver wolf growled.

  She placed Jacob’s hand over his wound. “Keep pressure on it.”

  Ignoring Jacob’s protest, she stood, hands raised.

  “Good girl,” Circe said. “You’re smarter than your father gave you credit for.”

  Kiera moved towards the table. Her lion paced, ready to defend its mate.

  One of the wolves growled, cocking his gun. “Don’t move.”

  “You won’t hurt me.” Kiera smiled, exposing her canines. “Circe needs me alive. If I die, so does her daughter. Isn’t that right?”

  “Doesn’t mean we can’t beat you to an inch of your life.” The silver wolf growled, snapping his knuckles. “We’ll see who squeals louder when I gut them, you or your mate.”

  Her lion reared, and in her anger, she let it. Claws tore through her skin, sharp fangs ripped from her gums. Bones cracked. Sinew stretched.

  She lunged for the man. Her teeth sank into his neck like knives. His blood tasted vile, spurting between her jaws, coating her tongue. He screamed, and his body trembled, trying to shift. She clamped down harder, twisted, and heard the sickening sound of his neck snap.

  From the corner of her eye, Chase shifted. He lunged for one of the other wolves, and the room exploded in violence.

  A shot cracked through the air.

  “Don’t shoot,” Circe screamed. “I need her alive.”

  Her men glanced around frantically, not knowing what to do. Chase took full advantage of their confusion, attacking ferociously.

  Kiera relaxed her jaw and let the wolf fall in a lump to the floor.

  Jacob managed to crawl across the room. He slammed his palm underneath the table, and an alarm wailed.

  Kiera fought off another wolf. Her own strength amazed her. She gave into the lion’s natural urges. Sharp claws swiped through the wolf’s flesh with amazing precision. Everything blurred with a rush of fangs and fur.

  Circe stood, back pressed against the wall. Her gaze flicked to the door as Therian agents piled into the room. The remaining wolves were taken out quickly.

  Jacob lay motionless on the floor. She padded over to him and licked his face.

  Please be all right.

  His eyes fluttered open, a small smile playing on his lips.


  She nudged his face and purred.

  “Time to…come back.” His hand was cool on her muzzle. “Shift back, Kiera.”

  Closing her eyes, the sound of his voice drew her back. The transformation wasn’t as easy as her initial shift, but after a few painful moments she was back in human form.

  “Jacob.” She ran her fingers over his pale face.

  “I’m…proud of you. You were…right. You…don’t need…anyone.” His face distorted in a pained grimace. He let out a gurgling breath and his eyes closed.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I was wrong. I need you.”

  An agent knelt beside them. “We need to get him to the medical facility.”

  She didn’t want to let him go, afraid that if she did, he would take his last breath.

  A blanket draped over her shoulders.

  “You need to step back so they can help him,” Chase said, gripping her upper arms and helping her stand.

  She could barely breathe as the medical team worked on Jacob. There was nothing she could do but watch, and the feeling of helplessness was worse than any fear she’d ever had for herself or her own safety.

  When the monitor flatlined, her knees buckled beneath her, and a wave of nausea swept over her.

  “Jacob.” His name came out in an anguished cry. I love you. I love you. I love you.

  Pain pierced her chest, making it nearly impossible to breathe. She wanted to throw her head back and roar.

  Gone. Jacob was gone. She felt it in her soul.

  She understood now what he’d meant about losing a mate. It was as if her heart had been ripped from her chest and severed in half. A heart-crushing grief she’d never survive.

  Chapter 27

  Jacob drifted through the cold shadows and dancing lights.

  This was death.




  He heard Kiera’s cry of despair. Felt his heart stop. Knew it was over.

  Don’t leave me. I love you. Kiera’s words floated through the darkness, urging him not to give up. He wanted to reach out through the fog and hold her, to ease the sorrow in her voice. But it was too late. Death had already claimed him, just as he’d known it would.

  A thousand regrets flooded his mind. Death had been easy to accept before Kiera had shown him the light. Now, he wanted to live. Wanted to hold his mate. Comfort her. Build a life and a family together.

  Kiera, I love you.

  She was strong. She’d survive without him. But even in death, he knew he would always ache for her.

  A high-pitched squeal pierced the darkness as an excruciating shock surged through his chest.



  More pain.

  A beep. Then another one.

  He tried to open his eyes, to break through the heavy veil that weighed him down, but it was an impossible feat.

  Time passed slowly.

  Kiera’s scent engulfed him and the fog seemed to break. “Don’t give up. Come back to me.”

  He struggled to break through the darkness.




  For Kiera he fought. For my mate I will live.

  His eyes opened briefly.

  Kiera hovered over him, blue eyes filled with distress and relief. Her lips were swollen and eyes red from crying, but she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  “I’m here.” A tear slid down her cheek.

  Her hands were on his face. The warmth of her touch eased the chill in his bones. He tried to open his mouth to speak, but his throat felt raw.

  She rested her forehead against his. “I thought I’d lost you. You died.” She sucked in a shaky breath. “Your heart stopped. I felt it in my soul. Like a piece of me had been shattered.”

  “You saved me…” He swallowed thickly, the words caught in his throat. “Saved both of us.”

  “I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t let you die,” she said in an aching voice. “Chase was able to get Lora and your mother out of the house in time, but they weren’t able to dismantle the bomb. No one was hurt, but the house is gone. I’m sorry.”

  “Things can be replaced. People can’t.”

  She gave a small nod.

  “And Circe?” he asked.

  “They have her in lockup. Chase managed to convince her to give up her daughter’s location. They’re bringing her in now.”

  His body felt heavy, like it was filled with lead, but he managed to raise his hand and stroke her tear-stained cheek. “How can someone so small, be so fierce, so brave?”

  “I’m brave for you.” She placed her hand over his. Holding his gaze, she whispered, “I love you. I’ve never told anyone that I love them before. But I love you. And when you’re healed, I want you to take me home. Our home. I want forever with you.”

  Jacob sucked in a deep breath and smiled shakily. “I love you, too.”

  Sniffling, Kiera straightened and wiped her eyes hastily. “But I swear to God if you ever die again, I’ll kill you myself.”

  He chuckled under his breath. The sudden movement sent a piercing pain through his chest and he groaned. “Trust me. You’ve given me every reason in t
he world to live.”

  Her lips quirked up in a smile and her eyes glowed with so much love he couldn’t possibly mistake it for anything else.

  “Come here.” He patted the bed.

  She crawled in beside him, positioning herself on her side, and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “That’s better,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  “The nightmare is over.” She glanced up at him, her eyes deep pools of blue framed by long, thick lashes.

  “It’s over.” His fingers entwined with hers. Because of his fiery, little mate, their enemies could no longer hurt them.

  She snuggled closer, her body relaxing into his.

  He inhaled her scent and marveled at what she’d given him. The beautiful promise of forever with the woman he loved.


  Two weeks later

  “We’re home.” Kiera inhaled the familiar scents and smiled.

  Balor bounded around the corner, his tongue rolling to the side, tail wagging.

  “Looks like we’re not the only ones happy to be home.” Jacob rubbed the dog’s head, then pulled out a large rawhide from the grocery bag he carried.

  Bone in mouth, the dog pranced away happily.

  Kiera followed Jacob into the kitchen and started putting the groceries away. It was such a mundane, everyday task, but it felt so good, so real, she couldn’t help but smile.

  “I won’t be going back to the labs tomorrow,” she said, handing him a carton of eggs.

  “Good.” Jacob put the eggs in the fridge, then leaned against the counter, arms crossed. “They’ve asked enough of you already.”

  Kiera shrugged. “Two more patients shifted back into human form this week. Dr. Alleman is confident she’ll be able to replicate the results without requiring any more bloodwork.” She paused and chewed on her lip, not sure how he would take the other news she had to share. “Plus, there was something in my lab results today…”

  “What?” He was across the room in less than a second. His hands were on her face, gripping it possessively. “What’s wrong?”

  She swallowed hard. “My hCG levels were high, so they did another test, and it came back positive.”